1. What is stone translucency?2. Visit our Stone Translucency Database2. Stone Translucency Database3. Testing translucency and clarity
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Testing material translucency

Article summary

1. What is stone translucency?
2. Visit our Stone Translucency Database
3. Testing translucency and clarity

Video instructions


What you'll need

1. What is stone translucency?

FreePower’s Charging Halo™ doesn’t require translucency to charge devices, but it only shines through materials with certain translucent properties. Both natural and engineered stone can exhibit varying levels of translucency and clarity.

  • Translucency describes how much light passes through a stone. Highly translucent stones allow bright light to shine through, while low-translucency stones permit very little or no light. For stones without translucency, FreePower will offer design-inspired etching options, launching in 2025.
  • Clarity, on the other hand, refers to how accurately the light represents its true color. Under white light, low-clarity stones may appear with a yellowish tint.

For more details, visit our Material Compatibility Webpage

2. Visit our Stone Translucency Database

We have tested hundreds of materials and rated them for translucency and clarity. Visit our Stone Translucency Database to see if the stone you are looking for has been rated.

Looking for a stone type not in our database? Contact our support or you can test yourself using the instructions below.

3. Testing translucency and clarity

Testing stone translucency and clarity can be somewhat subjective. That's why we recommend using our database or consulting with our support team. However, you can easily perform a test yourself by following these simple steps:

  1. Shine a flashlight into the side of the stone: Use a showroom sample or another piece of stone with a clean-cut edge. Hold your FreePower flashlight directly against the side of the stone.
  2. Ensure the flashlight is flush with the top edge: Make sure the flashlight is aligned evenly with the edge of the surface you are evaluating.
  3. Evaluate the stone's characteristics: Scan multiple areas of the stone to get a comprehensive understanding of its properties. Refer to the examples below for translucency and clarity comparisons.

Translucency examples

Clarity examples

If you have additional questions or didn't find what you are looking for, please contact our support team.

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